The Clutter Personality

In the first module of my course, REORGANISE, we explore the origins of clutter. What exactly is clutter? How does it suddenly occur? And how is it that what is considered clutter to you may be different for your partner? Clutter, mess, and your belongings are incredibly personal. You have a relationship with every item in your home and live with it, whether you like it or not. And just like any relationship, this involves a lot of emotions and memories. These can be positive emotions such as comfort, consolation, and love, but also negative emotions such as sadness, guilt, and jealousy. Sometimes, they are even mixed emotions. Cleaning becomes easier when you know your relationship with your belongings and why you hold onto them.

A central theme in my course is astrology. Astrology has powerful archetypes that can be excellently used for self-reflection and apply to almost all aspects of life on Earth. I use the four astrological elements for the "clutter" personality test: fire, water, Earth, and air. After completing this test, you will know which element is most strongly represented in your "clutter personality," I will give you some valuable tips that match this personality.

What are you waiting for? Take the test now.