Day 6 - The Dishwasher

This morning, I woke up again in a house lit by the sun. The trees along the canal are in full bloom with their light green leaves - a perfect representation of Aries energy, transforming a bare tree in just a few days. Although the temperatures are still lagging - yesterday, I couldn't warm up after a walk - it seems to be more about me than spring itself.

Today Is Dedicated to Our Most Loyal Servant: The Dishwasher

It's time to take care of the appliance that tirelessly cleans our dishes. Yes, even cleaning aids deserve attention and care. We focus on the edges and the filter and give it an overall refresh. For those without a dishwasher, allow yourself a well-deserved rest day.

And, if the sun today sheds new light on your interior and you notice that the windows could use a wipe, see this as a beautiful opportunity for additional refreshment.

How to Clean Your Dishwasher:

A clean dishwasher not only ensures sparkling clean dishes but also extends the life of this indispensable appliance. You contribute to a cleaner kitchen by taking the following steps and ensuring your dishwasher functions optimally. This small effort is valuable to our collective journey towards a clean and organized home.

Step 1: Empty the Dishwasher

Make sure the dishwasher is empty before you start. This is also an excellent moment to remove leftover food particles from the filter.

Step 2: Clean the Filter

Remove the filter and rinse it under running warm water. Use a soft brush or sponge to remove stuck-on dirt and food particles. Place the filter back after you have thoroughly cleaned it.

Step 3: Clean the Spray Arms

Check the spray arms for blockages and clean the holes with a toothpick or pipe cleaner. This ensures that water can flow freely and better cleans your dishes.

Step 4: Vinegar Wash

Fill a dishwasher-safe bowl with white vinegar and place it on the top rack of the empty dishwasher. Run a hot wash cycle to disinfect the inside of the machine and remove limescale.

Step 5: Baking Soda Wash

Sprinkle a cup of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher, let it sit for a while, then run a short wash cycle. Baking soda helps neutralize foul odours and leaves your dishwasher smelling fresh. Step

6: Wipe the Edges and Door

Use a damp cloth to clean the edges of the door and the area around the seal. Dirt and grease can accumulate here, affecting your dishwasher's efficiency.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

Repeat this cleaning routine once a month to keep your dishwasher in top condition. Let's embrace and appreciate these steps, knowing that every bit of care and attention we give to our home contributes to a more harmonious living environment.

Tomorrow a new task awaits us, but today let's enjoy the difference we make, step by step.

With warm regards and sunbeams,

Love, Roxy

Read my blog about the energy of the Aries season.


Day 7 - Chargers

