Decluttering is not a one-size-fits-all affair.

In a world saturated with decluttering advice, from Marie Kondo's "spark joy" method to the minimalist approach of Joshua Becker, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the one-size-fits-all solutions. However, decluttering is a deeply personal journey that should be customised to fit individual needs, preferences, and, most importantly, clutter personalities. Recognising this can lead to more sustainable and satisfying results, transforming spaces that genuinely reflect and support the individuals inhabiting them.

Understanding Clutter Personalities

At the heart of personalised decluttering is the concept of clutter personalities. Just as our personalities influence our behaviour, they also impact how we interact with our possessions. Identifying whether you're a Fire, Earth, Air, or Water clutter personality can offer invaluable insights into your decluttering needs and preferences. For instance, a Fire personality, driven by passion and ambition, may find decluttering challenging if it means parting with items that symbolise success. On the other hand, an Earth personality might prioritise functionality and order, feeling at ease in minimalist spaces.

Tailoring Your Decluttering Strategy

Recognise Your Emotional Triggers: Decluttering is not just about organising physical items; it's about understanding the emotions and memories attached to them. Whether it's the nostalgia that Water personalities feel or the curiosity that drives Air types, recognising these emotional triggers is the first step in tailoring your approach.

Set Personalised Goals: Decluttering goals should reflect your aspirations for your space. While a Fire personality might aim for a space that energises and motivates, a Water personality may seek a serene and comforting environment. Establishing goals that resonate with your clutter personality ensures a more directed and fulfilling decluttering process.

Choose the Right Techniques: Not every decluttering method will suit every personality. For example, the KonMari method may work well for Earth personalities who appreciate its systematic approach. Still, it might feel restrictive to Air personalities, who prefer a more flexible and evolving environment. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you.

Create a System That Reflects You: Your organising system should mirror your style and needs. Fire personalities might benefit from open shelving that displays their achievements, whereas Earth personalities might prefer labelled bins and boxes for a more structured setup. Personalising your system ensures that it supports your lifestyle and preferences.

Implementing Your Custom Approach

Start Small: Begin with a single drawer or shelf. Starting small allows you to experiment with different strategies without feeling overwhelmed. Pay attention to what feels right and doesn't, adjusting your approach accordingly.

Incorporate Your Element: Use your clutter personality to influence the aesthetic and functionality of your space. Air personalities, for instance, might create a rotating display for their ever-changing interests, while Water personalities could designate a particular area for items of sentimental value.

Maintain Flexibility: Your relationship with your possessions and space will evolve. Regularly reassess your belongings and the systems you've put in place to ensure they continue to serve your current needs and reflect your personal growth.

Seek Balance: The goal of decluttering should be to find a balance between having enough to feel inspired and supported but not so much that it becomes overwhelming. This balance will look different for each clutter personality and is crucial for creating a sustainable and satisfying environment.

The Benefits of a Tailored Approach

A decluttering strategy that respects and utilises your clutter personality can transform your physical space and mental and emotional well-being. It can lead to a more profound sense of peace and contentment, increased productivity, and a more profound connection to your surroundings. Moreover, embracing a method that aligns with your intrinsic nature makes you more likely to maintain a decluttered and organised space in the long run.

Decluttering is not a one-size-fits-all affair. It's a personal journey that should be adapted to fit individuals' unique needs, preferences, and personalities. By understanding your cluttered personality and tailoring your approach accordingly, you can create a space that feels like home. A space that not only looks good but feels right. Remember, the most effective decluttering strategy is the one that you will stick with. Embrace your cluttered personality, and let it guide you to a more organised, meaningful, and joyful living environment.


Your “Clutter” Personality.


Transform Your Living Space into a Sanctuary.