Day Five - Digital Desktop

I started my day by diving into my digital desktop. Ironically, my laptop was out of battery because my charger was still enjoying the sun in Portugal.

A Personal Touch in Organisation:

By nature, I am not the most organised person. My creative thoughts often race faster than I can physically keep up with, leading to a certain degree of disorder around me. However, over the years, I have taught myself to tidy up. My path to organisation, shaped in youth full of creative unrest, has made me realise that tidying up creates physical and mental space. This journey has taught me patience, understanding, and flexibility, which are invaluable when guiding others toward a more organised life.

Today, We Dive Into Our Digital World:

Just like our physical spaces, our digital desktop deserves our full attention. An organised digital world fosters a clear mind and stimulates productivity and creativity.

Here's how to start:

Assess Your Desktop: Take a moment to look at your desktop. Identify files, folders, and shortcuts you often use versus those you haven't opened in months.

Create a Sorting System: Choose a simple system for categorisation. This could include categories such as work, personal, projects, or file type (documents, images, etc.). Choose a system that works for you.

Start Cleaning:

Review Each Item: Go through each item on your desktop and decide whether it should be kept, deleted, or archived.

Save in the Right Folder: Ensure your files are in the designated folder. This may mean creating new folders to keep your desktop organised.

Dispose of or Archive: For files you no longer need immediately, decide whether they should be deleted or archived. Archiving can be on an external hard drive or cloud storage, keeping your desktop clean and your important files safe.

Regular Cleanup: Once your desktop is organised, set a reminder to clean up weekly or monthly quickly. This will help maintain a clutter-free digital workspace.

Today's task may seem small, but cleaning up your digital desktop can significantly impact your productivity and mental clarity. A clean digital workspace can reduce stress and make it easier to focus on your tasks. Let's embrace this small step towards a tidier home and life by extending our spring cleaning efforts from the physical to the digital domain.

Looking Ahead:

Tomorrow, we'll bring our organisational skills back to the culinary heart of the house: the kitchen, with a special mission for the dishwasher. Every step, big or small, contributes to a tidier, more peaceful life.

P.S. Don't forget, at the end of our challenge, a surprise awaits: an organic cleaning package worth €100 and exclusive access to my course 'REORGANISE'. #ReorganiseYourLife

Warm regards, and see you tomorrow,

Love, Roxy




Day Four - Customise Your Kitchen