Day Two - A Kitchen Drawer

Good morning! On this beautiful second day of our 30-Day Spring Cleaning Challenge, we delve deeper into our homes' Fire Zones. Like an alchemist working with the elements to bring about transformation, we will transform our kitchen—the heart of our house—and our workspace into sources of inspiration and efficiency.

The Magic of the Fire Zone: In the tradition of Feng Shui, the Fire Zone represents places of energy and creativity. These are our kitchens, where we prepare nourishing meals, and our workspaces, where we dedicate ourselves to our income and passions. We increase our daily satisfaction and success by intuitively and productively organising these zones.

Today's Focus: A Kitchen Drawer of Your Choice

It might seem small, but organising just one drawer can be surprisingly liberating. This is your chance to stop searching for a knife, fork, or scissors.

The Perfect Home for Your Utensils: Consider the ideal location for a cutlery drawer or any other drawer. For cutlery, this would be somewhere between the dishwasher, the cooking area, and where you store your eating utensils. This minimises walking distances and makes the kitchen more efficient.

Step 1: Empty and Categorise

Empty: Take everything out of the drawer. Categories: What is the purpose of this drawer? Is it for cutlery, spices, or something else? Decide now.

Step 2: Clean

Vacuum and Wipe Down: Remove crumbs and clean the drawer with a mild soap solution. Dry: Make sure the drawer is completely dry before proceeding.

Step 3: Organise and Simplify

Assess the Items: Only put back what truly belongs in this drawer.

Stronger Together: Invite your housemates or family members to organise a drawer. This makes the job lighter and more fun, fostering a collective sense of achievement and responsibility to maintain order.

Celebrate and Look Forward:

After completing this drawer challenge, we take a moment to reflect on the result and the fresh energy we have created. I am interested in how your spaces transform and how these small changes affect your daily life.

Share Your Success: Take a photo of your organised drawer and share it with us on social media using the hashtag #ReorganiseYourLife. Your progress can inspire and motivate others to breathe new life into their spaces. Let's build a community where we support and celebrate each other!

Prepare for tomorrow as we take a new step through the Fire Zone journey. I look forward to seeing your progress and sharing each small victory's joy.

Much love, and see you tomorrow,


P.S. I made a video of cleaning my cutlery drawer. I'll share it on Instagram and TikTok later.


Day Three - A Clean Refrigerator


Day One - Organising Cleaning Supplies