Day Three - A Clean Refrigerator

We've arrived at day 3 of our Spring Cleaning Challenge, where we recognise and embrace the importance of routines. Routines are the backbone of an organised household, but it takes courage and commitment to let go of old habits and adopt new, beneficial routines.

Integrating Routines into Our Lives:

Adjusting our daily habits is essential for maintaining a clean and orderly home. Keeping a tidy house isn't just about significant cleaning actions; it's about the small daily routines that prevent chaos. Changing these habits is crucial for long-term success. That's why there's a whole module dedicated to routines, habits, and time management in my 'REORGANISE' course.

The Power of Fire:

Fire, this week's theme, reminds us of the strength and passion within us to transform our lives and our spaces. Let this fire inspire you to write down three reasons you want to clean and tidy up your home today. These reasons will guide you when you need motivation.

Today's Challenge: A Clean Refrigerator as Routine:

With the weekend ahead and after a week of my absence, this is the perfect time to clean our refrigerator. Why? An empty fridge offers the ideal starting point for a cleaning routine that prepares us for stocking up with fresh weekend groceries.

How to clean your refrigerator inside and out:

Cleaning your refrigerator is crucial in creating a healthy and hygienic kitchen environment. Like any other part of your home, a clean fridge contributes to an organised and calming living space. Let's go through this process step by step. This plan is meant for a thorough clean; I recommend cleaning the fridge thoroughly every quarter and wiping it down with a damp cloth and mild detergent or an all-purpose cleaner spray in between.

Prepare: Gather the necessary cleaning supplies, such as mild soap, a microfiber cloth, a sponge, a toothbrush for hard-to-reach spots, and a bowl of warm water. Also, ensure you have enough space to store food while cleaning temporarily.

Empty everything: Start by emptying your fridge. This allows you to check the shelf life of products and throw away anything that's expired or spoiled.

Clean the inside: Make a soapy water solution with mild soap and warm water. Use your microfiber cloth to clean the inside of the fridge thoroughly. The sponge is handy for stubborn stains, and the toothbrush is handy for seals and hard-to-reach corners.

Defrost the freezer compartment: See below.

Clean the outside: Clean the exterior of your fridge, including the handles and the top. You can use specific cleaners for stainless steel surfaces that allow for streak-free cleaning.

Dry and organise: Thoroughly dry all surfaces with a clean cloth after cleaning. Now it's time to put everything back. This is an excellent opportunity to reorganise your fridge. Group items that belong together, such as dairy, vegetables, and sauces, and place frequently used items in the most accessible spots.

Regular maintenance: Schedule regular cleaning sessions to keep your fridge clean and organised. A monthly clean is a good rule of thumb.


Defrosting your freezer ensures it keeps working efficiently and maximises space.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

Plan Ahead: Choose a day when you have enough time to complete the process. Defrosting can take several hours, depending on the amount of ice buildup.

Turn Off the Freezer: Before you start, it's essential to turn off the freezer or unplug it. This prevents electrical shocks and ensures the ice begins to melt.

Prepare for Meltwater: Place towels or old sheets around the freezer to catch melted ice. You can also place pans or shallow dishes inside the freezer to collect the water.

Remove Food: Remove all the food from the freezer. Use this as an opportunity to throw away old or unwanted items. Store the remaining food in cool bags or another freezer to keep it frozen.

Let the Ice Melt: Leave the freezer door open to let the ice naturally melt. Place a pan of hot water in the freezer or use a fan to blow warm air towards the freezer quickly.

Remove Large Pieces of Ice: If there are loose pieces of ice, you can gently remove them. Never use sharp objects to remove ice, which can damage the freezer's interior.

Clean: Once all the ice has melted, clean the inside of the freezer with mild soap and warm water. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Turn the Freezer Back On After you've cleaned and dried the freezer, turn it back on or plug it back in. Wait until the freezer reaches the correct temperature before returning the food. Organise the Food: Place the food back in the freezer. This is an excellent time to organise and label the food for a better overview.

The Power of Weekend Routines:

Such a routine ensures that we have a clean and organised home, making preparing meals throughout the week smoother and more enjoyable.

Please share your experiences and the new look of your refrigerator with us via #ReorganizeYourLife. No matter how small, every step we take is a step towards a more harmonious home.

See you tomorrow as we continue to fuel this flame of change and move further into the kitchen.

Much love,


P.S. I want to remind you that at the end of this challenge, I'm giving away a cleaning package worth €100 and my 'REORGANISE' course! #ReorganizeYourLife


Day Four - Customise Your Kitchen


Day Two - A Kitchen Drawer